No, the first picture is not like station 69. There are window panels between each of the boxes. He made this, and it actually looks quite good....
OK, I'm not sure if everyone understands the gametype for this. For some reason, when anyone sees the title "Fortress" they instantly think that...
This looks fairly fun, but I'd just like to say that some of your walls look crooked or improperly merged. Other than that, it looks like decent fun.
I can honestly say that after reading your map post, I still have no idea what the heck it is. Put in more pictures and a FAR better description.
Sadly, since it is so quick to get into, the rounds would have to be impractically short. Unless, of course, you would have multiple flag captures...
Any thoughts from someone who has actually DL'd and played the map with the gametype?
You are going to get whacked for your title. Change it only to the name of the map. Also, your pics aren't working, but he already said that.
Yes, it is interlocked to an extent. You can't see much of the interlocking, and there were not enough materials to make purely asthetic...
I believe he means the 100 custom item hard limit. You can get around it with extra accounts, but still... I'm curious as to what type of...
Not particularly, it's usually some bored little kid who does it. They have a great view up in the box anyways, so there's not a large reason to...
Fortress- Revelation is up! I might make another fortress, but I think I'm going to make a sequel to Escape! (That infection map) first.
While this might seem like the case, it doesn't actually work in practice. This simply is not a suitable map for assault, no matter how you twist...
The only reason it is named "Fortress" is because that is what every one of these is called. EX: Fortress Siege, Fortress Invasion, etc. Also,...
Even though you can't hurt people through it, it's also still a lot of fun to be standing at the top fence box with wraiths shooting at it. It...
Fortress- Revelation [IMG] Note: This map belongs to the "Fortress" map series, of which I have released 4 maps. The others are simply...
Nice :) The interlocking is superb, and I love the idea of not being able to go against the wall. I would say that less people could be better,...
Map is a waste of time. Game looks decent, but nothing to rave about. 2.5/5 (Because the map is worthless)
Rofl at the lack of sarcasm comprehension
For those saying stuff about the vehicle transitions... They decided to stay with the system they have had since bf1942, which I personally...
Sadly, it has to be quite simple/open to accomodate sword duels, snipers, and nubs. Also, the map itself really is quite simple, but if you use it...