Oh, well that must be the case because this person did play an Action Sack game as her first ever matchmaking game. Thanks.
I can't remember that ever happening to me. Also, are you implying that you might get 1 EXP after your first game and then lose it? Because that...
Yesterday I ran into someone in matchmaking who had 1 EXP in the Action Sack playlist. What the hell? Bungie.net : Halo 3 Service Record of...
I remember the guy who had an illegitimate copy of Halo 2 and actually went into matchmaking before the game was released. The Bungie testers who...
Wow, that was in horrible taste.
It's not bad...just a killing frenzy, though. Your BR is really sloppy. Try a 1 or 2 sensitivity and it'll get a LOT better.
ScarecrowXavier, it's pretty obvious that you didn't read all of my argument because you essentially disregarded it in its entirety. You just do...
I disagree. An interpretation cannot be incorrect; anyone can interpret the motto however they would like to. All I have said is that any...
I'm not sure you're really helping your case here. Thomson, the creator of the finalized seal, said the motto refers "to the union between the...
I'm not sure if you realize it, but you're still trying to argue that you know the intended meaning of the phrase. It's not like everyone...
Were you there in 1776 when that motto was put on the United States' seal? Do you know exactly what the average constituent's viewpoint was...
Who are you to determine the end-all, be-all "intended meaning" of a phrase that goes back to 1776 in our history, and even further back in Roman...
So you're saying that one of the nation's most beloved mottoes should be read entirely in one dimension, without even the slightest patriotic...
Uhh, what? The very nature of the phrase implies that we, in fact, do stand strong as a nation... All I said was that "you could use the same...
If you're reading a book and the author writes, "I invited some friends over for lunch today; we ate sandwiches," do you automatically associate...
There is no difference at all. Dow said that since not every American believe in God, "In God We Trust" should not be on our currency. Applying...
"We" could refer to a number of things. It could refer to religious sentiment during the early 1860s. It could refer to the legislators who made...
It does in your opinion, which I do not believe is inherently superior to that of anyone else. I don't think "we" refers to Americans.
Far too impractical and not important enough. That proposal would not deserve to get on the public agenda even if the U.S. were swimming in...