I totally would. But the only problem is NO XBOX GOLD! so i cant do any online games. I also have a high squeaky voice so no voicing over for me!...
GOOD LAWD! He is totally a shame to us, theives or not, showing how stupid you can be when using logic wine bottles to break cameras...
Lol its like the scary maze
SICK! When I get more Gold Live, Ill download this map for sure!
Nice reason. I think the map does need a small amount of interlocking if your going to make it wider.
Nice job. There are eight engines, and the pics show only 7.
Jeez, Hummer is combining the Crackdown Car and the Warthog!
Re: UPSIDE DOWN foundry video and downloads Nice job. Make some of the fusion coils on the ceiling for a more aesthetic purpose
Yeah, I agree with Titmar, some close-ups would be great.
I don't know how many military vehicles you've made, but you should definitely apply for a Mason. You are as good as Coolant, if not better in...
Yeah Photoshop is the best and hardest to use, so I suggest Gimp, its a freebie photo editer and I think that it would work perfectly when you...
Yeah, although I dont imagine a movie taking place here.
Re: Airport and biplane :squirrel_chatting: Good job for your first try. Maybe replace the wirespool with barrel to make it have not gigantic wheels?
Umm, Ive seen like forty kagillion maps like this, not saying yours sucks or anything, but really needs some work.
Jeez CovenantElite, thats insane how many maps you've made...consider joining the mason(s)!
Can you get inside of it? If you can, then that would be awsome!!
Dude, this is amazing. Too bad I'm running really close to my 100 map limit because I would TOTALLY download it. If you can make more quality maps...
I know Im not premium, but just ask me to build a map and you got it! I'm working on a Carrier class ship and when it's done, you can put it in a...
Anything that Coolant makes is worth downloading, just because he pwns the newbs.
GRRR I love how it looks but I cant get it! put it on your fileshare!