Some what resembles a Mark Five helmet. Maybe add a bomb place at his face? Master Chief get pwned!
Looks great! I love golf and this looks like the places I play on. Par Three eh? I can do it without hitting the ball! Should this be in...
Looks fun. I always loved cops and robbers on Starcraft, and this is very similar to it. I might just download considering that I can hold like 8...
Looks fun. I think I'll que it in a sec.
Lol, if you read the first few posts, you'll notice people are saying that we need 2 masons. We do! Biggles2 is now a mason, so congrats to him!
Looks like my old school...Lol.
Haha, good one. Change their HD (For a mac) into an icon like IE, then hide IE in the HD. Or, I made a maze of files with random names and hid...
Re: BAR FIGHT v2 (Interactive Lobby/ Machinima/ Cops and Robbers) WITH PICS! It's a machinima map, different that an aesthetic map. Aesthetic...
No I dont think so, I think he said that the guards have to keep the minefield replenished constantly, to make it so the inmates cant escape....
I dont think so man. I get what your saying, you want a big rideable rocket, but with double boxes? Impossible, a gravity hammer cant move it.
I have to agree with JediWithASniper, It looks a lot like Gears of War. Nice job.
Lol! Me and my cousin had the same idea for the start, where the mongeese spawn. :squirrel_giggle:
My dads account did a similar thing. His first account with elite 1 month free, crashed, meaning no XBox Live, discs came up as Dirty disk error,...
Lol, thats for sure. Looks good, is it playable?
Lol! Good idea. Thats what my desk looks like, all messy and such
:squirrel_rant:JEEZ I CAN TALK LIKE THAT TOO JUST TO BE ANNOYING. Besides, your friend might be over exagerating, or just plain lying, seeing how...
Re: Fiery Deathball Looks fun with no honor system and all.
Nice dude. Too bad can't download.
For your Andross mech thingermajigger, plant some fusion coils on forklift legs and a bomb spot, plant it, KABLAMMO! Big 'splosion, no more legs.
It looks kinda hard. I wonder if you can get in the back like the ones with no turrets in campaign. THAT WOULD BE AWSOME I COULD DO SO MUCH IN...