Lol. So many people have made maps like this, and one was not up to my standards. Great job!
The second I saw the title, I thought you made a replica of Captain Falcon's ship. Someone should do that.... FALCON PAAWWNCH
You should make it so the rocket platform is a sniper spawn. Then place some floating fusion coils at one end. Go get a friend or another person...
LOL Nice. Too bad Halo is broken... :(
LOL You, sir, may have an epic win cookie! And an Epic phail cake for the items you can use. (Did I use fail correctly? WILL I GET THE BAN HAMMER?)
Well, depends on your map. If you want a floating thing, avalanche. Most Aesthetic maps go to Avalacnhe, in opinion. It has such cool parts!...
Does anyone realize he posted this in the wrong forums? To forge discussion away!
It would be cool if it was playable. Kidding!
I only would add the black and white Forge Filter. Don't remember what it is.
I don't think so...If you move the wings down a bit then interlock it, you might get it to look better. Or you could use sign As and Bs
Love it, this is awesome. If they only added train cars to the end of this train...
I know why the person said he saw three bombers before. He most likely has seen Tie FIGHTERS.
Love the raptor, second best vehicle in Unreal 2004. The BEST vehicle in U2004 was the Leviathan, and I can send you a picture of that if you want...
The quaters? What are quaters? Did you mean QUARTERS? Looks good though, but somewhat sloppy walls.
One, what? Dispenser? If so, there is probably 3 or 4 dispensers. The big one in the middle is a true dispenser, but what should I call them?...
It would be awesome to have a small, fast paced house map, with a small front and backyard. The cupboards open with a melee, and they house...
I can't tell if thats a compliment or not. If it is, thanks! Its pretty fun to play slayer on. My dad enjoys this when you just fight for the items.
DISPENSERS ARE A PLENTY This map was inspired by Toasts BR Soda machine. There are four dispensers, and one of will kill you. There is a...
From what the pics show, it looks pretty good. I enjoy gigantic the snow! Maybe I can turn this in to biology class when we study...