looks neat and clean, needs a custom gameplay variant (some sort of escort?) i assume? I never knew snowbound let you place so many purple boxes...
BRAND NEW FORGED MAP: Opposing Forces http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=15453941 (sorry I do not know how to make the URL nicer)...
Re: Great Wall Foundry CTF forging: As seen in Bungie.net Humpday Challenge! I've fixed this map cause CTF didn't work :p I HAS RECON ARMOR! ;D ;D
Re: New foundry map: Pitfall by Lintendo64 THank, you, i am working on my fourth map now, an untitled fort-based map. Foundry is really a godsend!
Re: New foundry map: Pitfall by Lintendo64 It doesn't use all of foundry, about a medium sized portion of the open area, however it is 3...
Re: Great Wall Foundry CTF forging: As seen in Bungie.net Humpday Challenge! I know how you feel about the sword/overshield, is there any other...
Re: New foundry map: Pitfall by Lintendo64 Yup, that'd be me. I posted that map here too.
Re: Great Wall Foundry CTF forging: As seen in Bungie.net Humpday Challenge! Yes, I am very meticulous about my maps in forge. It's almost a...
Hey all, I'm back with yet another foundry forgery: Pitfall Screens don't do it justice you have to really play it to see how it is. I am unsure...
Re: Great Wall Foundry CTF forging: As seen in Bungie.net Humpday Challenge! halo.bungie.net has used my map in their Humpday Challenge. Give it...
Re: Great Wall Foundry CTF forging: Luke Smith and Stinkles of Bungie.net Love i Thanks you guys, I will take your weapon placement into...
Re: Great Wall Foundry CTF forging: Luke Smith and Stinkles of Bungie.net Love i Ah okay, I have changed the links then, thanks. Also, they...
Hi all, first time posting a map, but I've been forging a long time. Luke Smith and Stinkles of Bungie.net both have told me they thought my map...