can you elaborate?
you should consider posting a youtube flythrough of the map to help better show the level and how it plays out. Looks cool though.
So i've very nearly completed my next map "Reactor Core" which is an homage to boarding action. However, everyone knows boarding action has a...
Seriously, this is my one HUGE gripe with forge. If you've got a budget, why limit how many walls, or bridges or boxes a player can put? It...
Re: Intersection (Fixed) No I haven't, it seems like it'd be pretty fun to play SWAT, utilizing the random debris as cover. Let me know how SWAT...
so many things I'd like to add.. but maybe an "invisible wall" object that is resizable
very awesome asymmetric map, I will def dl this.
Re: The House of Horror!!! pics aint workin
Re: Intersection (Fixed) my apologies for a double post, but I have updated the OP with a link to a team-slayer video taking place on...
Re: Intersection (Fixed) Consent from me? By all means go ahead :)
Wow, the name of this map sure looks familiar
Re: Intersection (Fixed) Already took advantage of the unlimited money! All you guys need to figure out is how to break the quota on items, then...
I will try to update the map with a new wall by using that infinite budget trick, I will update the link if/when I do
Wow! Helpful, I will use this and try to create a wall
unfortunately I learned about the interlocking technique a little late into this maps development and trying to utilize it now would mean...
Thanks a bunch!
I've added the link, I forgot I had to publish to bungie forums first :-)
Intersection Created by Lintendo 64 Gametypes supported: Slayer, CTF, King of the Hill Recommended players: 8-14 UPDATE: Video of gameplay can...
for FFA slayer, which do you find to be more enjoyable? I find myself usually creating symmetrical maps, I don't know why but I get more...