Awesome gametype, it makes it more fun while your searching for the tree!
I think there should be an "all achievements award," but not the katana. Instead make it an unshootable scarab gun, a big seventh column mark on...
Awesome map, the elevator was definately the point of focus, but there were awesome places elsewhere. I had a few situations where people would...
Crashes Cove if you make the pirate ship item box thing. If you don't want to do that then sewer speedway, with shortcut.
If its just a host glitch, why wouldn't they spawn in place? Why would they also fall at different speeds? He also said it wasn't lag in the...
How can you upload the map if you cant upload screens?
I dont think he is able to dl maps. I beleive revball incorporates a soccer ball being the goal. It rolls down a path when hit by a golfball. It...
If your ever testing and Im on invite me. This map looks awesome. My mic is on the fritz so I may not be talking, but I can still hear.
Make a box, and have a fusion coil and a land mine spawn at second phase to unblock it. Dont know what you mean by "glow."
This looks awesome for juggernaut!
I had an idea for capturing a grav lift, but I suck at forge so I never made. Extremely happy to see someone else did. Perhaps you could call the...
If your maps not to big you could spawns lights at the same time as the night effect so its more visible.
Great map, video got my dl.
Is there a way to auto despawn bodies? Maybe having them fall off a cliff? Not sure how you move only bodies...
Dled all of your guys' maps. Any chance you will be making any diddy kong racing maps?
You should really put pictures. At least put some screenys/renders on your fileshare. Most people wont take time to dl an undescribed map just for...
I would agree with Grief, have two bases, one on each walkway, and make the dam contain sniper perches or a power weapon. Another great way to...
It depends, if its a proof or concept or a map Im not planning on spreading outside my friends I forge as I go. If I plan to spread it far and...
I've known how to do this for along time. Everyone has. You can do it in matchmaking. Halo reach has destructible turrets, allowing drivable but...
Ive never heard of this, but it would be awesome. Perhaps a site where you could post saying what your playing and for how long.