My dogs name is Tofu. And I snipe in games. Yea.
You know thats impossible?Mac book pros ram doesn't go above 3.
Re: Aesthetic Mini-map - Pelican W-w-w-w-wow. Thats awesome. It would be sweet to make a pelican....SUSPENDED IN THE AIR :O
Oh and where'd you get those brushes + is that c4d on guitar or brush?
I might be able to join. And nice sig.
I JUST THINK that making that was a complete waste of time.
Re: Scarab Assault - Features a Fully Detailed Scarab I'm going to try and make a sphere later today. I haven't been on halo in ages.
Re: Scarab Raid Yea...I was looking for a scarab in the screenshots. Then I said to myself: "OH LAWLZ! THOZE BAWKZES ARE A POOR REPRESENTATION OF...
scan lines for the win.
Yea dude. A semi god would be like the god of tollhouse chocolate chips.
Whats the lowest price for a capture card?
Macs=Nubcake Computers. But I do have an ipod touch. Which I haxxxed. So...I'll put this widget on there..
i gotz sum after e-fekts.
Yea. Asking $20 for a possibly mediocre video is pushing it.
Yea. and embed them on a special page.
Ha. No van eh? BUT YOU HAVE A RANCH.
[img] "GIVE IT BACK!!!" I'm assuming everyone gets joke?
I smell fail.
The spots WILL GET BIGGER! AND BIGGER!!!! Then you die.