Koolaid Man: AWWWW YEAH!
Only if bungie let the infected be flood........
Nice sig victim. Only thing I would suggest is fixing render and i don't like guitar swirlies. I need to make new sigs. Ones I have now were kind...
I lost psd anyway lol
Ego vido ex oblivione
embossed courier+brush
[img] Wait. THATS transparent other one will be choppy.
[img] http://img530.imageshack.us/img530/5056/dogtagblankeg2.png Wait. Theres the png, so it should keep the transparency.
do you have photoshop? because i'll just give you PSD. And you can add your own text. I think its courier.
yea i have lots. I just wanted to see some peoples opinions.
The actual tag is part image part brushing. Text from scratch, and logo in back is edited.
:o I have a dreamsicle. That everyone will have dogtags on forgehub! First is name, then member type, then gamertag! Tell me what you think!...
i LIKE TEH ORANGE BOX! and theres no cake!
It isn't if you don't have photoshop, or something that can make gifs/pngs
[img] Okay.
not if you use blur eraser...
I think there should be a gamertag registration thing, where If you haven't played/logged on in something like 9 months, your gamertag would...
If your next to a drainer, when its done, it explodes and you die. Only if your really close.
I lawled.