with a silver account you CAN play online, but you have to chose from a list of games. With gold you can do quick match which searches for matches...
I'll play, if you want me to GT-DizzyDarknight preferred match day- tues/thurs but any day really. and I'm mountain time GMT -7
Re: so whens luke gonna hand over them steak dinners steaktacular is when you win by more than 40% of the total score (exa. in team slayer...
I like this game, but I suck at rts so the highest level I've beat the computer on was medium and that was in a 2v2 so I had a computer to back me...
I can do renders but I don't use renders all that much anymore. stocks=win and check out tutorials at places like Tech GFX or Total GFX (shameless...
OK here it goes: [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]...
lol yeah, my cousin has College hoops 2k8 and their shorts would bounce when they where just standing there some times and the shorts would like...
I agree with you for action games like assassin's creed(which actually has an okay cloth system) or sports games where you actually see your...
wastes too much cpu for what it does, I would rather have awesome lighting and particle effects and explosions than bouncy cloth.
I think it looks awesome, plus it being made by Ensemble studios who made my favorite RTS Age of Empires 3.
http://www.news.com/8301-10784_3-9877624-7.html?part=rss&subj=news&tag=2547-1_3-0-5 was kind of expected but now it's official, the end of HDDVD...
Yeah it loos awesome too bad it was delayed...
I actually like standoff for objective games, as long as you have a good team (basically not in lower ranked matchmaking) Foundry in it's default...
It's free to make games for PC, but if you want to make 360 games it costs $100 a year (still WAY cheaper than a dev kit...). Search Microsoft XNA...
I thought jellycar was fun for 10-15 minutes, but rocket ball was frustrating and confusing...
I agree, it's like battlefield with wonky controls, demo was fun for the first 20 or so minutes and then it started to feel like a crappy...
I sucked soooooo... bad at GOW but I'll probably end up buying this game...
wow your lucky the only ad I get is "boost you sexual power now"
http://www.geevee.com/index.php?p=viewvideo&v=87862 sorry for it being GeeVee but I was too lazy to move my xbox upstairs so I can use my capture...
for the meet your maker achievement all you have to do is beat someone that has the achievement already, kind like the assassin (i think)...