I loved the grifball playlist, but I'm mostly a runner so the highest multi-kill I got was a killtac. Still really fun though, it's so satisfying...
Re: Grifball Tournament!!! I'll play on which ever team wants me, GT:DizzyDarknight
one more thing: it's a little oversharpened
they are all kinda blurry and the text isn't that great, other than that they are OK...
I'd go with RB6:V2 because I play multiplayer a lot more than single player and vegas had much better multiplayer.
the rifle rocket in BF2142 is not a noob tube, you have to be good with it to get kills with it, which goes against the definition of noob tube.
It'll probably end up being infection/DDay/a lot of old customs that aren't really fun compared to the new ones. I just hope they put it out after...
I first heard of the noob tube was in BF2 refering to the grenade launcher on the guns in the assault class, but I've heard it used for any thing...
those all look incredible, do you use c4d or another program for those models?
it's pretty good, usually you want to keep it to just one focal, but considering the context of the sig it's fine.
The control scheme for this game is being built from the ground up for console since it's a 360 only release so I hopeful that the controls will...
shooting doesn't count if you can't kill the person your shooting at, at least in grifball there is killing...
yeah, I hope to get my disc tomorrow so I can brush up on my skillz. Also, should I add you to my FL or are we going to have a silver account...
yeah even rocket race gives EXP, so you can't say grifball isn't deserving...
if you have the original .xcf file than you can make the image bigger without making the text bigger, then just make the text a larger font size....
yes, or blow it up before you add the text and render, it looks pretty good though
WAAAAAAAAY...WAAAY...WAY...(did I say way?) too blurry. undo the blur on the engie guy and your name and it'll be fine.
w00t team SWAT as well, I still play halo 2 sometimes because of team SWAT
oh but I can't be on halo until the weekend cause I left my disc at my cousin's house :squirrel_sad: so if you were planning any practices for...