I'm just saying that, in general, you don't want that because it's hard on the eyes, especially with the advent of LCD screens. Really the over...
waiting list updated, I will try to do at least one sig a day starting tomorrow so some of you lower on the list might have to wait a few days sorry.
a lil overcontrasted, you generally dont want white pixels right next to black ones.
I meant transparent for the stuff around the barrel of the sniper rifle because he said that he couldn't get the color exactly right to match the...
Just give me a stock of what you want or tell me what you want in the sig. I will probably make 1 sig every day or two so keep that in mind if...
I like samus cause I'm good with her (and her final smash is win) and snake because he is awesome.
cool, I just learned something new today.
hey add me on steam (ID:ak1knight), I wanna play with you sometime.
Re: Frontlines:fuel of war I wanna know, if I buy this game used 2 months from now for like $30 will there still be people playing?
try to use interlocking objects, it will make everything look much cleaner.
Yeah it sounds cool, but one of the "features" is all the girls accounts are locked to being strippers, so you won't get to walk around seeing...
Yeah my favorite pastime is being my teams "run in and see if it's safe" guy and I think I do a pretty good job of it if I do say so myself.
I play on PC but I suck (I mean really suck). I mostly play as soldier on 2 fort and maybe get 5 kills a match unless it's longer than it normally...
just make it transparent and save as a .png, then the background will change to whatever forum you put it on.
I'll do it too if you need me.
I'm just glad I have a nocturnal brother who got the game at midnight then came home and played all night and beat the story mode so I could play...
I hated all the platforming levels, the smash bros. controls are not made for that.
didn't have Halo 1 so I never played campaing
Re: ForgeHub Grifball Team proposal for the upcoming season I'll apply GT:DizzyDarknight. I'm mostly a runner but can block if needed, and I'm...