give it some time, after all the "pros" are higher ranks you get spawn killed, double teamed, etc. all the time, then it will be funner. My first...
I like the FAMAS over the FNC because it's wicked accurate, and the deagle over the raging bull because of clip capacity (deagle has 8 I think and...
the problem is they won't take anything non-solicited because of legal complications...
the other dark is done: [IMG] BW: [IMG] and the inevitable pink version: [IMG] sorry for being a day late but I was sick yesterday. bolt will...
knight kninja is done: [IMG] BW: [IMG] greenish: [IMG] pm me for changes next up: the other dark
They all are pretty good for first ps attempts 1- sharpen the render and blur the background for depth and blend the render in a little more. 2-...
I can play the maps offline just fine, but it takes a minute for the maps to appear (like I'll go to select the map and they won't be there, then...
no offense, but that is quite possibly one of the noobiest things I've ever heard. AR=noob weapon that takes no skill to use BR=gun that wastes...
yeah something like doors and ramps
OneNOnly282 is done: [IMG] BW: [IMG] Pink: [IMG] next up: knight kninja and Iv0rY I updated your sig with a border if you wanted one
Yeah, a lot of online is based on luck and connection speed but it's still fun when you find some friends to play with and play unranked matches
Iv0rY Snak3 is done: [IMG] BW: [IMG] Gradient Map: [IMG] pm me if you want changes next up: OneNOnly282
why have all my posts from last night been deleted? something with the server? Anyway, the map looks awesome. One suggestion though would be to...
wtf happened to the posts I made last night? I guess I'll repost Mealon's MealonX is done: [IMG] BW: [IMG] Gradient Map: [IMG] Sorry I...
Re: Contempt can't wait for the video because it looks like the pictures don't do it justice.
Lemonyguy47 is done: [IMG] BW: [IMG] reddish-pinkish version: [IMG] next up: MealonX Oh and sorry Mealon I had to push you back to tomorrow...
c4d's are abstract renders made in a program called Cinema 4D. Search google for c4d packs or go to and search c4d pack to get...
I wrote this a while ago and though I would share with anyone who can't get photoshop for whatever reason. Hey, today we are going to make this...
awesome I didn't know you could animate in photoshop, I thought only in imageready, I might have to try this.
I did a quick google and found this site but you have to register and can only use up to 3 sigs unless you donate. There are also a few html and...