Those all look awesome. Just wondering, what sites were you rated inter/pro on?
thanx man yeah pretty much everyone of my buttons and logos suck because I am quite possibly the least creative person ever so I can't think of...
some of those look pretty good, read some tutorials and you'll get better.
Buttons: [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] Logos: [IMG] (old) [IMG] (old) [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] Other stuff: [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] all sigs where...
albyhouse's avy is done: [IMG] no fancy background: [IMG] no fancy background or drop shadow on the hearts: [IMG] pm me for changes next up:...
ok, cool, sorry for hijacking the thread, I'll return to my cave now...
hey Nitro what's the deadline for applying for this?
I would, but I haven't made any buttons or logos since a year ago when I was a n00b at photoshop...
looks like it's going to be awesome, and you can still get into the beta if you preorder at gamestop I think.
apply for what? have some really awesome stuff kiu
old... but still awesome, and hasn't been done since to my knowledge...
at the bottom of the column where it shows the user that's posting there is a little scale that you click, and thanks for the rep:D (and 100th...
episode 100 was the last one for blood gulch chronicles and they haven't announced if they're going to do a new series yet.
GoodWhaleSushi is done: [IMG] BW: [IMG] lightbrown: [IMG] I've always wanted to do a recon sig so here ya go :D pm for changes and please...
Yeah I'll try, sorry I was gonna reply to that but I completely forgot wow that looks awesome! feel free to hit me up anytime if you need...
bolt 144 is done: [IMG] BW: [IMG] Blue: [IMG] pm me for changes next up: GoodWhaleSushi
starting you right now, sorry last night it was a choice between homework or making a sig. revenant, do you have a high res version of that...
I'll do a full game rather than a map because its easier: Let's say that you had this great game idea about a squad of space marines transported...
there is no aim assist in that game so that's why the aiming felt weird compared to Halo or COD4 because those games had a little aim assist(also...
I think I might have to stop this because, as of now, you can't have images as sigs... and knight kninja check your pm's