blend the render more, other than that it's pretty good.
but COD4 has 16 maps out of the box so even if only half aren't from single player that's still 8 maps, and also just because they are from single...
It's more convenient to go to the store than sit in your room and move the thumbstick of your 360 controller or click your mouse (if you use the...
you can buy 1000 points straight from the live marketplace, or if you already have 300, you can get 500 more points.
updated with a new logo, only 2 more buttons and it'll be official...
It's ok, but there's no real focal point and it's too plain. Check out this site for a bunch of tutorials and kiu because nobody's first sig is good.
select the entire sig and then follow this tutorial to stroke along the selection
Just use any image that's wider than your sig size, I use google images and set it to only look for large images, If you get one that's really...
I'm actually disappointed in the map pack, I thought it would bring me back to COD4 but after 15 or so games I went back to vegas 2.
you can use the rulers and guides to help you center stuff
One thing about the web designs are the text in most of them is a little off-center or too big, otherwise they are cool.
xXmooregamesXx is done: [IMG] and for comparison: [IMG] pm me for changes next up: Mallet Yeah i use photoshop, but I used to use gimp. You...
lol it's not a secret, just make a new layer and take a splatter brush and brush (in any color) where you want the effect to go, now hide that...
My outcome: [IMG] [IMG] I think my stocks were kinda bad so that's why it turned out a little wierd.
If I find a good tut I'll try it for my next sig but most of them aren't from tuts and Ive been photoshoping for a little more than 2 years but...
awesome tutorial! I'll try it tommorow and post my outcome
[img] [img] [img] those 3 are my favorites
cool, you got some really nice sigs
sorry lag
Has anyone ever heard of this game or played the first trackmania nations? For anyone that doesn't know, trackmania nations is a free racing game...