So when should I start being scared?
Go play the lottery then :P
So you checked my IP. Cheater.
Does he know you did that XD
I'm fairly certain you don't know where I live...
Should I really stop reporting posts?
I tend to listen to more conversations than actual participate. So when I'm concentrating on listening, I totally zone out, and people notice it...
This is in the wrong section, I have reported it to be moved.
1. Visit and enter your gamertag [IMG]This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image...
After the influx of generic maps, I suppose a wave of innovation will follow. Foundry's greatest days were best after there was some inspiration... Delete, please.
As long as the file in your fileshare references the original creators were TrueDarkFusion and TheYavimayan, then you are in the clear. And good...
Stairway to Heaven. Nuff said.
People are probably spawning on other levels of Sandbox because you forgot to put starting points. Change the gametype in the start menu while...
Post MLG Pr0!
Again, embed.
You need to embed your screenshot, like so...
Happy belated birthday.
If you wanted it to be really spooky, look for a canvas map with the Guardians blocked off. Then build the map in the dark part, maybe with the...
I love Halo it. But I'm ashamed to like it because other people don't. Kay?