K then. Your logic is somewhat sound. Oh look, anther post in the CNC from IceQuiem thread. That looks very interesting.
I sorta understand why you would want to keep it under wraps, but really. Why do you care so much if a stock you used is reused?
[IMG] And I don't know if you care but here's a great site for non-commercial free vintage stocks. LIFE photo archive hosted by Google
All art is quite useless. Not completely.
And the reason to live is to create art?
Why is the truth needed, anyway?
We already know the answers. If people looked hard enough they could find them.
What about inspiration?
Lets be happy. People can keep secrets. Oh look, someone posted in the CNC thread for Icequiem. Let's do that.
People are materialistic. Art is not needed.
I do admit that art is a hobby of merit, but in the scheme of things, it is quite useless.
If you meant making a living through art you should've specified that.
Food is not art. It is food.
Because all art is quite useless.
[img] Photoshop There was another version with text and stuff below [spoiler]
What? This is a thread in the G&A section.
Because we all know people trying to improve is a bad thing. Meh I like the second one better because I'm a fan of that type of text.
It's not a clipping mask. I cut out the hand, moved it up slightly. Just nitpicking :P It just feels a little empty to me. I know that empty...