On that scrolling messae at the top it says they are adding more servers just for the demo. -Donuts
You have to be a lvl 10 and have 5 co-founders.... We need some more people and we need to lvl up. -Donuts
baptism should be a person making a choice to show the community that they have dedicated their life to christ... how can the parent make that...
I could take a look at it, im not a "leet" forger but I know what I am doing and im creative. Send me an invite and a message reminding me. GT:...
not spam i was just so speechless i didn't know what to say... It was absolutely amazing. -Donuts
Thats true, however it was also Harmonix intension as well and when activision took over they did what we all dreamed. I agree about the guitar...
.....wow -Donuts
You have a total of 3 hours until I have to lock this. Please correct your thread with images and proper format found here:...
That doesnt even make since.... The first two GH's were the best because of harmonix GH3 sucked because of the playlist and rockband is no where...
Its necessary because its a rule. I know you want to give more description for people to look at the thread but you have to have the title only. I...
No problem, I try ;-) -Donuts
Can someone please tell me what this is?!? Half say its amazing the other half say its horrible are the people that say its horrible saying it...
Im totally up for it! I just got to lvl 6 last night and bought the summerwear haha it looks hillarious. Actually give +5 to armor though. -Donuts
Duplicate map posts are not allowed. Next time contact a moderator or admin about moving it. Please pm me a link me to the other post I will...
Service pack 2! not saying anything else.... go to sleep!
wow thats ridiculous... haha you commented your own page :P Im waiting for my computer to freaking update to SP2 but its taking forever and I...
Homework?!? When does your school get out? This is like my second week of summer vacation...
I try :-P haha yea... Ever played the game gunz? Its amazing! Just downloaded it http://www.forgehub.com/forum/showthread.php?p=173627#post173627
Haha yea i guess... whats your gamertag? Same as here? -Donuts
Very true but the butterfly is key to k style. -Donuts