MAJOR REASON FOR ABORTION % Inadequate finances 21% Not ready for responsibility 21% Life would be changed too much 16% Problems with...
Please be supportive of all posts no bashing. This is not a war its a debate. -Donuts
Ok that one made me laugh... hahah -Donuts
Please read this thread about how to post your map. Note that you are not allowed to have anything but the map title. I have changed this for you....
Thanks for all the happy birthdays guys -Donuts
This is actually a very well done map, I really enjoyed this movie as well as the short novel it came from. 5/5 and thats a lot from me...
This is a notification for the creator of this thread and for the people whos reply who were affected. This thread has been cleaned of all spam....
Forum rules require that you post and embed images to your map and provide a detailed description. As well as a direct link to your map, not your...
Taken care of ;-) Also This is a notification for the creator of this thread and for the people whos reply who were affected. This thread has...
You can make a weapon selection system where each weapon or class is in a small box and when you enter you can not exit because of a shield wall...
And your honest opinion is true because no where does it say that interlocking is required to make a good map, however saying you are incapable of...
Forum rules require that you post and embed images to your map and provide a detailed description. You are alloted 24 hours to fix this problem....
Moved to Forge Discussion... -Donuts
I make a few maps, I just finished one yesterday actually
Ok well I wont be here next week, however the week after lets do it! -Donuts
Discussion of this map being stolen in this thread will stop. All discussion about it is being deleted. If you have solid proof (Like a link to an...
We could totally start a clan... Lets do it! I just got lvl 9 and i have enough bounty I just need 4 cofounders -Donuts