Even though you parted ways with your singer you should still find a way to get your CD out there and get some money off it. These are really...
I have always been alive guys... just not active =D
Soggier than average today it's rather humid.
Not if you want any questions answered :D
Another innovative idea using chutes! I love this kind of stuff! It looks like a very interesting map, very hard to grasp from screenshots. I...
Four-way chute is an innovative idea, however how is it utilized in the map? How can it be utilized for a competitive game? It sounds great for...
LAWL Im not saying we are all going to die from it! I am just saying to everyone who says that it's just the media blowing it out of proportion...
There are more cases of the disease every day. It is spreading up california like a freaking fire. They are closing schools in every county that...
Whats up TP
YAY! I love this game. It's so simple, yet so fun. I am glad the patch finally came out. There are some nice fixes in there. -Donuts
Going to Disneyland. I will be back on Tuesday. Later guys.
Thanks yavi :-D and may your mayan be yavi.
Haha. I like reunions :D -Donuts
Thanks man. Glad to be back. -Donuts
Yea. I will finish it if I get some free time. I feel bad for not finishing haha. -Donuts
haha that's good :D Well you should definatly see me around a little more often. -Donuts
This is a very fun looking map. I have not downloaded a forged map in over 6 months, and I cant tell you right now that I am breaking that streak...
What I would suggest is taking all of the suggestions from this thread and making a V2. 1. Interlock and clean up the map 2. Possibly think about...
Seriously the first one was such a great movie. I am so excited for this!! -Donuts
Never, ever, ever ever ever ever EVER go to any site sent to you in a xbox live message that offers you free stuff. It is NOT real. No matter...