wow looks like a lot a fun cool jumps
i like how you can go over the bank and under cool aesthetics 4.5/5
really cool idea for a racemap 4/5
sick interlocking 5/5 this map looks very good i will dl
yeah for some reason everyone bugs when you put an armory in your map but for this type of game play its sort of necessary gameplay 4/5 map 3.5/5
i spy a rocketlauncher, fuel rod cannon and brute shots and snipers in one room? thats too many power weapons the map itself is good though 3.5/5
poor spawn placement what are the weapon respawn times bad interlocking JKLOL i think this is pretty convenient thanks
i really like it its clean and the interlocking looks fine 4.5/5
very well laid out fantastic interlcoking 5/5
its simple and clean and works 4/5
was the sniper one staged or real because that woud be a ridic thing
looks like a classic map that the 8 year olds love playing in custom games not saying its a bad thing 3/5 interlokcing would make it better though
looks pretty cool i like the whole multi level thing you got going 4/5
pics are small but from what i can see its nothing that great looks like its interlocking-free 3/5
i like how you said its good for silent kills and then three pictures down someone is getting rocketed
love the fishtank grats on the feature of course its a 5/5
i think if you threw a fire bomb in the back it would help up close the fire isnt very convincing
great job incorporating switches, thats rarely seen and i completely agree with speedecake
i really really like the layout why no interlocking? lmc2? easily one of the best non interlocked maps i have ever seen 5/5
sick job i really like the sloped and banked turns looks work intensive and challenging 5/5