not a hugely innovative idea theres a lot of maps like this i think its pretty cool alternatively you could get rid of the armory and just put on...
wow very well done this is impressive when i saw that you were a trainee i thought it was going to be a weak map but this awesome 5/5
you should interlock the tube more the other things look real good though looks very interesting
looks real tough but do you really think you would get the reconz for finishing it?
wow i have never seen anything like this! except every time i open my eyes just kidding this map looks clean though and it also looks like it...
the best part is how you wrote your name in weapons it sort of looks like that was the hardest part of making this map good idea but i agree with...
i think the v2 you were discussing would make this map much much better cool idea though i like the ventilation shaft i am not really used to...
looks good and looks easy to cheat on put some man cannons on the finish line to prevent cheating
i dont really understand what you are talking about do you mean like they hit a certain switch and the crate moves in a corrosponding direction?
+rep for a correct first post this map is nearly perfect nearly i do think you need some cover on the outskirts of the central object and clean up...
you geomerge the hill and but then you dont interlock the floor of the hill and base? interlocking is so much easier than geomerging anyway i like...
nice job posting correctly! oh and nice map too! i like the turn inside the banked turn the different paths thing is cool too 5/5
barrels are a great idea is the sniper thing a switch? because i think that would really add to the map just block the reciever node with fusion...
cool idea, way to use foundry differently than most what are the default weapons because i think it would be easy to just pass everyone if they...
oh great a f-ing armory jk good job i really like it good interlocking with those bridges 4/5
can the zombies drive because i think that if they could then it would just be highjack and splatter city
it looks pretty good, a valiant effort one important thing in mlg maps is that everything has to be interlocked because those guys are really anal...
yes i know that it is not randomly placed boxes and you really had some forethought when you made this map but this has been done a million times...
nicely done but HOURS OF INTERLOCKING? it seems like you are exagerating a bit other than that 3.5/5
wow this is a beautifully made map it must have taken forever i love every single structure this better get featured 5/5