first and foremost, this is a SICK MAP the forging is so well done the zom shooting room looks great i dont really understand how this is like...
hmm it looks like the only thing you interlocked was the stairs but thats fine its pretty clean other than that i really like the rocket spawn,...
i like the fence wall floor, thats cool the bases all look pretty good too never seen three done on a map but i like it 4.5/5
wow i would have never thought of this really cool idea how much health do the zombies have is it like headshot is an instant kill or just any...
this reminds me a lot of torpedo jumpers but it is different looks like a cool game though i like what you did
umm this isnt bad the interlocking is ok but dont rate your map and certainly dont give yourself a 5/5 i give it a 3.75/5
it looks like a camp and camp fire so i will give you that looks a lil simple though it would make a cool infection map if you threw some more...
nice i like the interlocked fence walls that are like platforms looks really good 4/5
looks a little sloppy and not interlocked you still did a good job with it though a v2 would make it a lot better 3.5/5
i dont like sand trap infection maps in general every time it just turns into a chase where humans drive around and zombies get slaughterd i also...
very cool i have never seen anythingn like this and it looks like it took a while to forge can you just walk up the steps? i recommend you lose...
not going to lie, didnt take me a long time to make this and to answer your question, yes joo can haz my soul
what are you talking about essentially everything is interlocked my only concern is mlgness of the map idk if they allow fusion coils and...
poor interlocking sloppy anyone could make this in 15 minutes 1/5 JUST KIDDING this is a fantastic map like i know it will get featured, thats...
not a huge fan of the whole bottling zombies in an area and thne putting a turret there this is an ok map but i wouldnt play it 3.5/5
i was going to ask if the columns are unmovable, but then i saw the fusion coils and the wreckage lol i like the map sick interlocking and geomerging
surprisingly, the hornets dominate the scorpion because 1) scorpions cant move and 2) the top of the base blocks the top of the view so you have a...
i think a better name would be MLG Generic every mlg map is the same, two bases with a structure in the middle your map is well done and i like...
go for it because i dont have the legendarys and i dont plan on dropping the 5 dollars or whatever for them
Valhalla Dogfights Created by PingPong Legend Base: ___-.Valhalla Supported Gametypes: Dog-fights by QUINN HAS A GUN Description:...