looks like the typical monstertrucks map its not that impressive because you didnt do anything really special or sort of special like interlocking...
sweet jesus! that central structure is so good, i love it the stairway to the needler is great everything else is so well interlocked and forged 5/5
some things i like geomerging the movable object (grav lifts) the interlocked stairs the increasingly large font some things i dont like turrets...
i really like how the structure in the middle isnt centered and how there are other things sorry if thats vague if you spent a month on this...
it is messy and a lot could be straighter make the spawn areas one way by putting a grav lift or mancannon there so people cant spawn kill which...
this is the first soccer map where its possible to keep score great job, i like this better than tnt polo
very cool map, looks very cool but..... no interlockin? for realz? like that would seriously make this a 5/5 but its still great, well done and...
looks good its very different from the ships we usually see at forge hub just so you know quantum means sub particle like protons and electrons...
cool idea to make like an epic finishing thing you should prob fix up the ramp there are some gaps and what not but nice post, good map
nice swastika in the middle jk the map looks pretty good thanks for admitting that it is a generic mlg map in the sence that there is a middle...
this post isnt up to forge hub standards embed the pics dont post a link to your file share just post a link to the file
this is not up to forge hub standards this is not even a map look at the stickies for how to post maps EDIT: great job fixing it so fast this...
i support this to become a contest i have an entry all lined up tell me when it becomes official or if its not happening
i know its not grifball but this screams grifball at me it seems very simple and could take 3 minutes to make if you use the blocked off canvas 2/5
for some reason bungie decided to let you put 4 hornets and 4 banshees in this map no idea why there is not that much space, not as much as...
hmm that sounds very interesting i might put one where the plaz battery is good idea ezekeil
Dog-Fights: Construct Created by: Pingpong Legend Description: The second installment in my NON-DLC Dog-fights maps. For some reason, Construct...
br/shotgun carbine/shotgun br/carbine + well placed nades and for duels i would say duel plaz pistolz
i like the construct map a lot, its pretty cool the bases look great and nice use of floating objects in ever map what does plh stand for btw?
i still dont really understand cops are zombies right? so they spawn and the teleport to the room while the robbers run through this obstacle...