By now you have probably seen Mythic Recon screenshot challenge on Bnet. Post Links to the pictures you would like people to tag for you here....
Too bad you cannot enter it into the remake contest because this map is AMAZING.
I am really not seeing the flow to this map, just look like a bunch of individual structures that look great on their own however, when the map is...
Good job, definitely looks better than V1. I have a few suggestions though. The first thing is if you can try to recreate the ledges on the...
Looks good but supposedly Bungie is already remaking this map. This definitely looks good enough to hold people over until then and give them...
Personally I would get rid of the barrier, move custom bottom mid, move mauler under regen spawn, and replace rockets with a plasma pistol.
I love the way you combined Halo CEs Derelict and its Halo 2 successor, Desolation into one smooth creation, It looks absolutlty amazing. 5/5
Well correct me if I am wrong but aren't there ways to get around the OLN. If you could get around that limit then you can quite possibly make...
In my opinion... Lockout=Perfect Perfect+Change=Less than Perfect So in my opinion changing the map is not the smartest thing because the result...
Just an idea, but it might be a good Idea to replace one of the snipers with a Splaser.
Kill balls are loud, bright and annoying to say the least and honestly do not make for good aesthetics. Oh and you do not put all the weapons or...
Looks like a great remake although the original Foundation was never really a great map. Still it appeals to forgers because it really is not a...
Awesome map, hoping it will be in MLG V6 alongside Lockdown.
This is a great competitive map, hopefully MLG will pick it up.
I can't understand your diagram but the map looks great.
Are we going to get to see an updated version of MLG Rampart? And by the way your video is missing.
Download the Cannon Wars Map Here Download the CTF Game Variant Here This symmetrical map is on Narrows and revolves around the man cannons...