well it didn't save my life, the guy had a back up gun >:P
looks fun, you should add a garage instead of a basement
haha its a bunny
looks cool,by the way how did you make that waterfall?
thats awesome
you should take out the tele in the center pit that way if someone falls in they are either stuck or pity killed
kinda cool, like the lighting in it though
looks cool might dl if i have space left
Wow a compliment from an askar I'm honored lol... where did it go?
I may make a bigger version, but I dought it, I'm pretty lazy when forging feel free to tweak it
got any suggestions?
It is, the point was to make a stand off map so a guy could sneak around without being noticed
Thanks I should probably put it in my file share
The soccer balls were supposed to be for coconuts and the barricades with the recievers were trees the truck, my friend put in and the stuff on...
I suck at interlocking if you want you can remake this but interlocked, don't even care if you don't give credit to me
visit the v1 for the full explaination
Looks cool, but massive honor rule needed
There is one, the first pic
The map has 2 turrets, 4 BR's, 1 Rocket Launcher, 2 Spike Grenades, and a Shotgun
Rats Alley Created by Mastersaya124 Supported Gametypes: Slayer, CTF (Turn off radar on both) Map Description A symmetrical map with a twist,...