is that good or bad
Hey Zeta is finally up, sweet dl
You used the tags a little wrong the end tag for url looks like this [/url] and the images need that to, put [img]
looks like fat kid, but on a diet. Sounds fun, but is the zombie invincible.
like the gametype, you should make a map for it
the spartan says "Ribbit"
it needs a mout... moot... the water that surrounds a castle
I like it, but any crouch maze is an instant liking for me.
sounds fun, but it probably would be the end of humanity, I mean the magicy stuff like super powers cause there are to many corrupt people.
nice, never would have thought of this too bad you can't pass the gun around that would be great.
Thanks sexy dude, my friend and I thought this one up I would put his gamertag but he has yet to set up his internet in his new home. By the way...
I hate this game from a real life experience, but this map looks like alot of fun I may dl
From the pics, it looks like you did really good weapon transfer. Like the gears rocket became the halo one.
The key for me is patience, so many times i posted a map before it was ready. You got to try and edit and test and edit to make a good map.
looks okay
all 3 look cool i may dl the first and last ones
been done times-a-plenty
halo paintball is the best but i kinda have a good arena.
These things have been done before, but this map is pretty good
thanks dude