Oh, I thought the Fuel Rod and Rockets were for the zombies, and the risk was the laser guardians, okay well in that case the humans may be a bit...
It looks really good even without interlocking, I'ld say a 7/10. Its good aethetically, but not great
Looks great, alot like my map Safari, with humans holding out a small base against zombie 'animals', do humans have infinite ammo in this?
Well I thought 3 shots before a Spartan death was pretty fair and there are 2 snipers so the humans are always able to be killed
Wow I never thought this would so popular, I want to thank everyone for the great feedback. I liked the spiker/ needler idea but I need to see how...
Last Stand Created by Gordofrog Supported Gametypes: 300 (Infection) Map Description Last Stand is a circular map based on one of the final...
The two other gametypes have been put up
Noone has to become a bear, and like fat kids they die when hit from behind. To be a bear you need to grab the custom power up so you eventually...
Well I'll try to add that in V2 if it's popular enough and when I made it I forgot about the power drain.
yeah that was the idea but Boone was downloading the territory gametype so I took it down temporarily
Well looks aren't really my thing try playing through it first
Safari Under Created by Gordofrog Supported Gametypes: Safari Map Description A redesigned Safari found in the Crypt. Few new features...
Orion A Gordofrog Original Supported Gametypes: E.T. Attack (Infection) Star War (Slayer) Orion Capture (Territories) Map Description A battle...
Flight of the Piasa Created by Gordofrog Supported Gametypes: Hunting Map Description Piasa:"pie-uh-saw" Large man-eating bird of Native...
Wish people like you posted on my map, lol. The map looks alittle dull, but I think its just from the screens you took, Ill dl it and try it later
Well all the snipers are where the humans gather, so in order for a zombie to reach the sniper, they need to make a pretty big hole, and by then...
So can Mancannons though, can't they. And I agree, the best is definately deep impact, gonna dl it at least, probably the others too
The armory is one spawn per weapon, and due to the fact that equipment are considered weapons, the zombies can get weapons too. The floating base...
Rats nest has a mystery animal, you'll never figure it out
Theres only one, but I designed it to not need two boxes, also, I am staring on replacing the pics now, it should be fixed soon