It's a very well constructed monster trucks map. However the whole concept is getting a bit tired, and being that high above Blackout isn't very...
lolollololol noob :D
Haha this is an awesome map. It replicates the pattern recognizing and tension aspects of the original GoW battle. There are some honor rules...
This is a great map to teach people the fundamentals of forge. However I think a map like this should be in the aesthetic section. Overall though...
It's true about the 3 body shots to headshot theory. Tsquared even says so in his BR tips vid. I prefer to do go for all headshots though despite...
Mmmmmmmm I'll have me some of that carrot :D
Bungie already stated numerous times that the feature requires great effort to implement into Halo. They just can't possibly test for every single...
I like the map. It's got a really claustrophobic and jagged feel, perfect for infection. The only problem I got here is with your title. You...
BR and AR. As much as I would love to go with the stereotype of saying BR/Sniper Rifle, I find that I am a lot more effective without the sniper...
Just because statistically red wins more, it doesn't take into account the players' individual skill levels. In a month blue could be averaging...
The best thing to do is just go with the color you like. Sure on maps like Ghost Town and Avalanche it makes a difference but that difference is...
This wall looks pretty cool. I like all the switches and the random interlocked shits remind me of rockwall. Build a base in there and you've got...
I like the map, one of the few cops n robbers ones that actually has geomerging. I also love the small touches like the basketball court. Despite...
Wouldn't regenerators be far easier and zombie-proof?
Don't listen to him he's a siren! (as in the mythological creature)
I like the aesthetics of the map, definitely traces of good forging in there. More variety in the scenery would have gone down well though, seeing...
Thanks I feel so welcome :D
This is a really great map, I love the switches. I think you should have put more thought into the weapon placement though, having armories is a...
This map looks quite interesting. However it definitely could do with some interlocking and maybe a more appropriate title that won't mislead...
The look of this map is amazing, it has some very intense CQC fights too. The only thing is after a while it gets dull just being able to walk...