I had a go at this track before it was published, it's awesome! It's perfectly smooth and the lighting and aesthetics are cool. The tunnels add to...
Lol this is retarded! I love the way the Japanese try to hypnotise the audience when that guys face when he goes on the screen with the weird...
You can do the ol' "hold a machine gun turret with some one it against a window" trick. Most of the windows work but only a few of them allow you...
Hey, I've been trying to look for a tutorial on how to do this but I can't find one. I know how to do it on foundry with the doors, but I can't...
If you don't have Fallout 3 or Oblivion yet, they are definitely must have games. There's also a game coming in October I think it is, called...
Hey guys, I'm making a V2 now. Dream, I put the FX on and I gotta say it makes the track look awesome! I just need to know what else people think...
Yeh, that might be the problem. Also have you tried going into forge and going on the maps. Sometimes it will say something like "loading maps"...
I think it is ridiculous that bungie make you have to have certain map packs to be able to play certain game types. But if you love the game you...
It's looking really good, you've got the perfect balance with the levels; tunnels ramps and that centre platform. At the moment it's looking like...
I use the BR more because I mostly play team swat. In any other game type I'd probably still use the BR because it rapes at all ranges.
Hahahaha, this guy has anger issues! i've seen the one were his parents cancel his Word of Warcraft account and he goes insane! Lol this is hilarious.
Are the pictures broke or is it just me? I'll come back later to see and comment, but I can't see the pictures at the moment... And where's the...
You can escape out of the designated area, but it would be suicide lol. The zombies are lethal outside of the comfort of the camping spots inside...
erm... Thank you?
Download Out Break Contamination Gametype History I started making Out Break with the image of a small town in my mind. I wanted to make it so...
Last month halo seemed to be really messed up. I was given a message when I came online that I had been banned from gaining xp in all gametypes...
Ouch, this is the first time it's happened to me and I think I lost about 3 hours work, the bad thing is, it puts me off going back to making it...
I've been making a map for two days now and today, I felt like it was finally starting to take shape and BAM the biggest pain in the ass problem...
Hey, I'm making an infection map on sandbox and I've made a building with a ground floor entrance and an upper ceiling entrance. I want to make...
The one with the Spartan on is awesome. I love the blur around the outside and the spiky things coming in make the sig stand out.