This map looks really well made and looks really fun. I was just wondering how many people do you recommend?
This map looks so well made. I wish i had the patience to interlock that much.
This map looks great and i'll try it out. It looks really fun.
It would be cool if they kept it forever and it replaces rocket race.
Yay!!! now i feel included!! thanks for the warm welcome
Re: Favorite Video Game Of All Time. Banjo-kazooie and Banjo-Tooie. I can't really decide
Luke owes me 22 ranked and 17 social steal dinners
I loved both games so much. I started playing when I was 7 (I think) and I loved it. I liked banjo tooie even better!
I love the map but i have one question. Why is called different level?
Re: Lemmings (small mammals with suicidal tendencies) This map is the most fun ive ever had commiting suicide. Good job!
I never played the original and i still loved this one. Great job!