If you find this guide useful, try Zanitors guide to Geo-tapping on Sandbox. I've found a new way to geomerge in the skybubble, I would post this...
IF IN THE WRONG FORUM PLEASE MOVE OR LOCK! My map will hopefully be released tommorow (I forgot to put it on my fileshare tonight). But anyways...
[img] Dream... By Dave the Rave52
[IMG] *Video coming soon!* The Cage (V2) is a competitive map using the sword room, one of the purple grav lift rooms and the lobby on...
Hows your Conquest map coming along? :monitor:If this is in the wrong thread please move it.:monitor: I was just wondering how everyones...
[img] By Dave the Rave52
[IMG] By Dave the Rave52 MY FIRST MAP TO USE DECENT INTERLOCKING EVER! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBGcX-FonDIAdrenaline Race: Dave the...
[img] Believe... By Dave the Rave52 Bungie.net link - Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
[IMG] St. Capwnage By Dave the Rave52 Bungie.net Link - http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=24610304 This would be awesome for sigs!
[img] Look, EXPLOSION! By Dave the Rave52
I've never actually noticed a decent Bungie favourites, I mean they always have crappy things on like that AvP map that is on currently. I mean...
Please lock this thread. Dave the Rave52
I don't know what it is about my map names but my friends think they sound cool (most of the time). So here are the names of some of my maps:...
Bungie Favourites - Should it be chosen by groups, or by Bungie, or by the whole community? Personally I think that Bungie faves being chsen by...