Yeah and his legs are just twisted a little. Anyways can he gives me teh Recon?
My squad mates called me the Grimm Reaper on Chromehounds because of my Ub3r 1337 Sn1p3s so I changed my name to Reap3r 13 and that's that.
Microsoft > Sony but Blu Ray > HD DVD cause Blu Ray picture > HD DVD Picture
How about a goal point that ineracts with the soccerball so that the soccer ball has a purpose other than Rube Goldbergs. Halo soccer FTW
How would it work? I'm assuming that you push the balls around to get them in a certain order to go to another area of the map, if so that would...
I'm thinking about maikng something like rocket race but with snipers, thoughts?
I can picture someone getting splatted whiler arming the bomb
I say Blu Ray because it Syncs with my Bravia Home ENtertainment system
Isn't there a ladder in the little bunker of High Ground for some reason I think there is but I'm not sure.
I've been fiddling around with halo physics for awhile, such as if you face a grav lift pointing down and drive over it, the grav lift will...
Try this, next ime you feel like making a racing game make what I call boosters. Take a large statioinary object like a double box (or if you...