I beleive that many of the current XBL problems are due to Christmas because all the little 12 year olds just got XBL and are taking over the servers.
Oh... I feel stupid.
Both devon and furious( didn't feel like typing yoor whole names) have interesting points. When I mean "like Foundry" I don't mean exactlly like...
So have everything nice and orderly on one side and everything else kind of twisted and weird on the other and you have to try and blow each other...
They would have to decrease the strength of A.I. though, other than that it's a great idea.
I used to forge alone too but when you get a group of guys you can work with great maps pop out.
I haven't introduced myself so here I am. My gamertag is Reap3r 13 send me a FR. I 've already made a map with AZN FTW Asper ACtionJackson and...
Who ever made griffball can has Recon.
Yeah I would have to say that Beta's Tunnels is right up there with cellars.
Screw recon I want the Honor Guard armor from H2
I see Bioshock winning because of the depth of the story if you listen to ll the diaries. But Halo has the most **** in a game by far.
Midship FTW, don't change weapons, size, or color or name just plain old Midship.
I personally would like to see more highly customizable maps like foundry because it allows players to come up with their own creative ideas.
I don't recall being able to use any of those in the game.... ???
call customer support ***** for along time and if they don't comply say you will buy a PS3. Also call that stupid voice activated asshole a douche.
yeah me AZN and Asper were working on a map and it popped up, as a matter of fact I should get back to them
'75 Chevy Cheyeanne Pick up no pic cause I am currently painting it.
Microsoft hates you?
I think that Bungie should address this in an update. Possibly ad the "Old School" version of territoies to the playlist.
Auto Turrets?Death Barriers to keep snakes from escaping the boundaries of custom maps.