well it is called stickball not splashdamageball... :P
Ghost because I said so.
Or Foundry-like objects that are the same as the foundry objects but with a different skin to match the map
Wow first ime I heard gay parade used in the forums. Talking abou tthe pink dudes right?
I agree with AZN I helped on some of the test and just about everytime there was a VIP in a different area
Was it any good?
No, It think they would just implement a new gametype and give all maps the ability to create 1-4 team ctf capabilities
The only reason I didn't like 4 flag was because sometimes teams joined together and gang raped another team.
Well sorta. You know that big wall that seperates the two bases, well in BTSP Manor( great map by the way ) you can get purty close to the top of...
No but I do have a question about vehicals. Didn't Bungie say something about a UNSC vehical called the Puma, a six wheeled Warthog I beleive it was.
That's why I'm not replacing my old collection, just buying new releases in the Blu Ray disk, but if it is only available in HD DVD i'll buy...
No that would be stupid because the explosions woulod kill everyone, random mancannons would send you flying into walls and weapons everywere is a...
I'm pretty sure some else said that.
Yes he got some very intersting opinions indeed
White Castle FTW
I hope they don't spam porn pop ups at me when I'm watching a movie.
IT'S A TRAP!!!!!
How 'bout you explain that MORE CLEARLYin the TGIFH board.
He took the pic before AZN could get in( he would be om the top right) that was a fun time, and then we went and raped everyone in BTB
I was going to get the HDDVD drive but the Sony Blu Ray player looked too sexy