Hey it never hurts to try.
Foundry really needs straight walls. Why on earth do the walls have ridges. WHY?!?!?!
I think someone already did MAnsion so be sure to make yours better. Good luck
There is one problem with this poll. Isn't it alittle biased due to the fact that ForgeHub.com is a Halo 3 website?
I always liked in H2 giving everyone no shields and bash each other w/ warthogs. Ahh those were the days.
I'm not sure. I just remeber being on the R6 forums and people were complaining how they weren't getting their refunds, then several days later...
Speaking of military weapons I almost changed my name to Blackhawk13 but I suppose that was already taken
Looks like a good alternative to using regular walls
Yeah well I've never done it so I wouldn't know. Some weird kills can happen in Halo so I was wondering if taht could have been possible.
Well I think the people who bought the R6 maps early eventually got their points back, thats why I said that.
Basically it's a Demo Derby game, I've seen thousands of these, unless it has any outstanding feature i'm not dl it
So if you do kill someone with splash damage from a stick does it count as another stick or just a kill?
So are they going to give us our points back when the maps are free or are we going to get the shaft.
I dount that they will release Lockout anytime soon, I say this because we already have guardian, it's a decent map but it's nowhere near as good...
Every 2/5 Lone Wolf game I play has at tleast 1 ten year old. The pre-game lobby is like sticking your finger to the inner depths or your ear and...
Not spam just pointing out that he really shouldn't be worried about splash damage when sticking people is the objective, sorry if it seemed like...
As long as the A.I. doesn't wander around too much and they would have to turn points off for killing them
And not just alot of manncannons and soccerballs like every ten year old makes. Not sayin that you're ten just make sumtin gud
That reminds me, I was going to do explosive CTF thing where you steal the bomb and try to Kamakazi your own base. You know for shits and giggles
Does it happen in-game or in Forge?