Well beside the fact that most remakes are an uber fail I throw out s suggestion. If you could possible make it floating over Standoffs little...
I would be GOD!
C'mon Turf baby! That was by far my fav map, I loved how it mixed Close-Quarters with long range.
Shotgun>Mauler. Grab a shotty mauler go bye bye. :squirrel_rubberduck:
I think if Bungie added some different skins to choose from to cover up the ugly green boxes we have to deal with then foundry would get tons more...
I think it should be whoever gets hit first is momtarily stunned so that they can't hit back even if they had more health than the person doing...
I didn't know that they made the mauler weaker. I can't really notice though since it's still a one-shot-bonk-on-the-head kill.
Oh God ranked GAY PARADE!!! Break out the pink flight suits boys were ranking up! :squirrel_rocking:
Congrats on getting your map AZN Aproved
Re: Bomb the Pentagon! I vote to take it down. I agree with raven about the whole freedom of speech but making a game out of something that...
Re: Hideout! Ha very true, anyway I think this is a great map, fun close quarters combat and could be good for FFA SWAT also. Group Hug bitches...
Well making a round surface out of flat surfaces is impossible, so basically you would want it to be like a golf ball, many different sides put...
This is probably due to the fact that almost everyone is making their maps on Foundry these days.
I remeber trying to buid on of my mini games and my power went out right in the middle of its construction.
It only has one problem: Solo Maps! When you're forging by yourself this ain't gonna work and you'll have to go back to the good ol' save and quit.
I'm tired of the look of Foundry not the maps on Foundry.
D-Day maps are old. How 'bout some Civil War maps? Bayonets FTW!
Well I just watched Flyboys on Blu-Ray and it looked amazing so Im still stuck on blu ray
Whats a glitched foundry?
Does this apply to pictures and videos as well? I should be getting close to 100 items then.