Light is the same, are eyes are the same, but we think, perceive, and do things differently. Your comment really isn't applicable to here...
.... Seriously you don't get, and if you think it's pointless just stop posting. This is not about the apple is blue or red. It is that Red...
Lol I clicked Random Screenshot on and a pic of some floating thing came up from you as the first 1 :)
Alot of objects "slightly interlock" actually Ramps do the most. But, you cannot geomerge with them unless you actually interlock them
The custom powerups adjust the gravity so you go far.
So me and my 3 brothers decided to have our own screenshot contest, so vote which 1 is the best, yes some suck, and they are not related to each...
........ stuff like that is really annoying "THERES NO CAMO ALOWWED IN MLG" "WHY IS THERE ROCKETS, THERES NO ROCKETS IN MLG" etc. dirkadirka this...
Lol I thought I saw a really really small red spartan, that's why I said make it bigger, so to revise that, add in a spartan lol.
Shishka's Banhammer will get to it eventually [IMG] lol
The vid doesn't work : /
Mine was when I was goofing off on the last level of Halo and using the hidden Mongoose and I died like 50 times, then I finally started trying...
Because MLG makes Halo right?
You should make the player, bigger, he is barely visible. Good pic though made me lawl
How was that a legitimate response at all?, did I ever say "O YEA I COULD DO BETTER" all I said was it wasn't a good remake when you actually look...
Postionaire in the maps section, I think that is a first, jk I think it is actually kind of funny though.
Yea my brothers Xbox won't read Cortana only so e can never finish campaign but, sure I'll help you.
I am not going to argue anymore, yours is the EXACT same except with 7000 less downloads, 1 less BFs, 1 less Best of Forge Minigame Award, and is...
Don't triple post, and 14 zombies can get launched in that v2 one that was the award winning one.
I just did a forge through, and found some parts are out of proportion, there is missing walls, walkway wasn't like that, and it isn't straight,...
Just found this, that "Leaked Pic" is photoshopped with a jumping player, and this part of the Ark...