Watch Darkfios's tut, I think he has that in his vid already... I don't know what he called it though.
Have fun with your infraction a-hole anyway, this isn't an MLG map if it has a laser in it, so take it out, or call it Competetive.
Theater, stop when the letters and stuff appear but it is still somewhat black, then go up into the cliff to the left of the pelican, push...
The secret room on Ark..... wheress kah COOkI3!
Why are there so many threads about geomerging stuff on Sandbox. It is OLD news. Before the Doors on Foundry everyone did what they are supposed...
Really? How old are you? I would atleast hope that they are teaching people atleast common sense in school... seriously wow. Just wow
Can you tell me why your Avatar is ripped? PS: He didn't say that pic was his.... and it's not from Wallpaperz w/e it's called, it was made by...
Here is the tutorial... it's in my sig, and DO NOT double post, (Post the same thing twice, or yourself posting twice in a row without anyone else...
You should have used FH's search engine then....
Alsoooo your DL link is not working either, it looks like you just got the coding wrong sooo, just copy the URL of the Maps DL page then Type...
Really cool screenshots, but one question, how do oyu do that embed hting whatever you are doing, to get it to enlarge...
That was pretty fast... anyway I really liked the map, it played very well and congrats on the feature guys. Cool that it's not on Sandbox too.
Sadly, you were beat to it... but, it is still fun.
They are easier and harder from different angles, but also sometimes an Elite reacts differently when shot, for example: Not dieing when shot...
The fact is that we can't just "Give all the boats weapons to defend themselves" because there are thousands of hsips that go around the pirates...
Where is it....
hmmm If I gave you a not very, but closely scaled version of a map, in a drawing program such as AutoCad, could you recreate it in sketchup?
So, your making a map in the skybubble, with a hole in the middle.... creative.... /sarcasm
There isn't really a point to this map, since this has actually already been in alot of maps.... so it's nothing new.
Just play in a custom game....