Post it with coding like your sig.... img here insert slash here. ^
ewww X's around names suck ^^^ lol yea.. that is actually very accurate. Thou shall use THE combo.
This thread isn't about Cars.... get back On-topic
Lol clever use of words in your sig...
:O that's Y35's avatar!
Not neccessarily modded, there's three ball, so why can't there be 7 ball or whatever? sorta good screenshot but like Zombies R Us and his avatar...
You should win the FT contest in my opinion ;)
The third one is the best, but the first two can't be entered in the contest...they have ship(s) in them.
Well said...
GT: STWOW [spoiler] Feel free not to use them because, they suck.... ; |
Whats to stop you from linking it? Non-Senior members hsould get involved more and not just leave it up to others. Here
What? I said you didn't back up your statement... you know YOUR random claim that started this whole stupid thing. and Oh the irony to you saying...
Watch this
64 cases and no one has died here, it is a huge deal right? EDIT: source:here
The 3 Main religions... Christianity Judiaism Islam Therefore implying the 3 "top" holy books
You didn't learn to back up what you believe because all you said is a ridiculous statement of "10 times the worlds population could be fit into...
If you get it... go to the doctor and get a flu shot... Problem solved, for you at least... not for the less fortunate who can't afford said...
OK well if you are 35, then I would hope that they at least attempted to teach you common sense in whatever kind of a school you went to.
1. .Vertebraille (Yes thesilencebroken's one) 2. Relic 3. Orbital
I believe in you, you can finish your map!!!