I can't see it, even after multiple refreshes... Idk why :( [IMG]
Yes, but you CAN upload it to Youtube so others can watch it, which is most people.
Because you didn't buy Bungie Pro, you got free Bungie Pro with the Mythic Map Pack you bought... and not even everyone bought the Map pack and...
I mostly was the other two people, but you still didn't mention that or anything about it playing well.
Wait, so how do we watch you videos.... I don't think we can and you'll have to upload them to Youtube then.
The ICCPR recognizes the right to freedom of speech as "the right to hold opinions without interference. Everyone shall have the right to freedom...
Except I am not an effect freak, I like a screen shot if it is good regardless of which/how many if any effects were used. All it is, is a simple...
WAIT NO! YOU MUST PUT IT IN XZIBIT FORMAT Yo Dawg, I heard you like (x), so we put (x) in your (y) so you could (x) while you (y).
Fun Fact: Missile pods can track other people carrying Turrets or Missile Pods or You lock onto a stationary turret then when they break it off...
So you're saying everyone else screenshots suck, and that this theme sucks? Because that's what it sounds like. PS: Aesthetically
Redirect's to one of the originally made Sandbox maps...
People should not be able to preach religion, it's infringing on a basic human right of freedom of thought.
My mistake I meant 5000 million and also Hominids, modern humans, HAVE existed for 3.2 million years. **** sapiens have existed for that time you...
Wow the first lady... is this fake? Anyway, depends on what type of "Apocalypse" What if the sun just expanded and engulfed the Earth? There...
What operating system? Because you have to system restore and the only way I know how to do that is on Vista 32b You have to search for System...
Seriously that is the only thing you and AMoeba ever say as defense. Do you really think that no one reads what you write EVERYTIME you post?
I command you to read the OP and see how this Debate is about WETHER TALKING TO CHILDREN AT SCHOOL ABOUT RELIGION IS RIGHT OR WRONG.
My Math teacher is gone for the rest of the year! But, I have to memorize 70 more lines of Shakespeare by Wednesday So overall this was a good day.
by 'Humans' do you mean the people that have been around for about 3.2 million years out of the 5000 Billion years the Earth has been around? and...
So do be a downer, but this doesn't really follow the Debate Forum rules : /