who the **** R U CALLING A NUB american wanker
yo! Sup my fellow forgers ma names Barry an am a Scottish forger a like 2 make maps on foundry and i'm new 2 merging and interlocking so dont...
how bout forgehub just start expanding and make people able 2 create clans and a massive leaderboard and you use featured maps or maybe get in...
what am i doing wrong
orite ya wee poof member am no helpin ye wi a map agem
dopeydan why would you vote on your own poll ang give yourself a good mark that seems pretty pointless
dopeydan stop being an idiot the guy probably done the best he could.
i agree with GMF Painkiller the most important thing in a map is not interlocking sure it makes the map look nicer but it isnt really necessary
It looks a bit sloppy but im gonna give it a try anyway might be fun
looks really fun to play am going to dl
really good map i enjoyed it.