When can we play?
Nothing not talked to you in a while!
You just said that your angry...
It just SOUNDS as if YOUR being an ASSHOLE
WHY do you ALWAYS use capitals for a COMPLETE word WHEN you POST?
Hey Pegasi!
Sorry i'm at my mom's at i'm going to soccer in a bit, Hit me up with a FR on XBL and whenever we're both on we'll play.
I have to play on Friday somethings come up
Send my a FR over XBL, GT: CFC Bazza CFC. Whenever we're both on ill play. I have to hurry up though :( i'm hosting a WoW over at a website i'm...
GMT. You?
Idk, I don't know the time difference.
Saturday or Friday.
I'm from Scotland.
Forge Wars is one of those things where a lot of people figured it out but all do not know each other, In other words it was figured out by many...
You American?
Can we play at the weekend?
I think it's amazing what that Huntar guy done for you.