The REAL and only Unknown skull is on Cortana. Ahem, as you come out of the Cortana Room, and enter the core area. Grenade jump up to one of the...
Hmm.... *puts a shotgun on the obvious high-area camping spot on last resort* There we go. *goes over to main building, puts sniper rifle in the...
LOL. I know why it's your favorite. Looks like they're high-fiving.
I want one where my elites snipes a guy from all sides of Foundry.
From d.i.y: Tucker: Wow, Simmons. Never heard you talk to Sarge like that. When did you get to shoot balls? Simmons: Oh these? They're one of...
I know it's just a joke, and that there is no other unknown skulls. There is only one true way to get recon. Have a film, film clip, screenshot,...
Or a second unknown skull, in relation to the recon armor thing. A rumor from Youtube trolls is that if you find all 4 unknown skulls, you get the...
I can't load YouTube BBCode for some reason. Link plz
Elite with camo = pwn.
Welcome, Call of Duty hater guy-i-will-somehow-end-up-playing-with.
Hello, someone who doesn't has Call of Duty 4 new guy.
I can has pictures? I can has proof? I can has squirrel army?
It's not sidewinder. You didn't look for Part 2 of shocking truth in search, did you? Maps: O.K. Corral, Purple Reign, Moonbase Alpha.
Down with'cha wii! Up with the 3 six TEE!
Search for a thread called "Sword Noob" and in the thread is a link to making custom signatures.
Remember to read this thread the next time you post a map.
What's missing? I know! 1. Screenshots 2. Description 3. Link 4. Gametype name 5. Gametype link
Hello, someone-who-hates-call-of-duty-4 new forger.
That wasn't me. That was some other guy. Don't cut the quote to try and make people think I said it.
Er Lost Planet.