Re: Towers&Bridges {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} A smart usage of double boxes turned up&brid Err, how? I'm not used to ImageShack, just to let ya know.
Re: Towers&Bridges {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} A smart usage of double boxes turned up&brid It's not MEANT for Slayer, FYI, and it's MANCANNONS to get up....
This map you might likey. Name: Towers&Bridges Gametype: I haven't made a gametype for it yet, gametype coming soon! Description: (I forgot to...
The bug must explain why each time a soccerball (Contraption map) goes on third from last mancannon, always lifts off at random speeds, which can...
To believe Bungie ACTUALLY made a crosshair for the AA Wraith, even thought you're not supposed to drive it.
Re: Aesthetic Mini-map - TX2A Heavy Assault Mech You are now my god. GOOD DAY SIR!