super lol No but really i will miss you halo 2, oh well their is still always lans that go on, or u know XBC or Xlink
Yeah i think custom ability will limit the fun/craziness of game play. Reach is more build specifically for competitive game play. Not ahh zombies...
holy fing lol haha, yeah dude it is 4 shots to take shield down then 1 to kill. And im talking about scoped in or more precession head/chest...
ya and for the super expensive legendary edition of the game hahahaha
Idk im back and forth on the whole scrambler with camo. In Cod that freaking sucked everyone knew when you were close to them, same here you see...
ya iv noticed already that when someone goes into lock down the enemy or even me and my team kinda wait around him lol. So could be great for ctf.
So u guys think this is intentional for the perk or just a accident cause its a beta? either way its a great perk, but knowing that you can half...
yeah haha and they took halo 2 and old battle field off online to help and it still overloaded. I don't remember but did halo 3 beta explode the...
you must have and halo odst disc that came with an special invite to the reach bets. If you didnt pre order, or go get it that night, or get lucky...
No okay here is whats going down. Beta release late morning today PACIFIC TIME, means east coast your is at like 4 central is at 2 gmt (general...
Idk whether to be happy or sad.
nope iv just tried and its 12 15 here so im just gona assume that it'l come out sometime in the middle of the morning so next day, on monday for...
Yeah Rifte its one and the same i finally got off my ass and started back working on it.
Well on the Gemini remake he captured it completely, the map was a one flag/ ts map in halo 2 he remade it to perfection there. It's supposed to...
Yay for sure i'll wait till you know June, and those windows are just some of many, they also have a little addition to them which i'll reveal later.
Well after a long bout of non activity here on the site iv decided to dust off my forging hat and get to work. As some of you know iv got like 5...
agreed man, im glad you did a tribute and they look exceptional but i wish you had done some other maps. Mb some other ones in another tribute...
dam kuroda its done, this has been like a what 5 month long project haha. It looks amazing, i need to get on halo more man iv missed alot. Great...
My personal opinion, the AR has not changed much. Now if it was like the H1 Ar then it would be better cause burst fire would guarantee more...
True that bungie takes great consideration into the story when making a game. I mean hell though there is stuff in mw2 campaign and mw that arn't...