Reason Elephants won't be in halo reach, Hmm i think the Elephant or at least the large halo 3 version hos yet to be invited, now the halo wars...
Yeah but gold seems to be alot larger than Blackout/Lockout, if you notice it looks like there is a door to an outside ramp going to bottom mid...
Yeah if Hemorrhage was all snowy you could make a sweet Containment inspired map.
Yeah i read that and i watched the video closely, it was a ghost i think it was just graphics error that made the bolts look yellow. Oh well the...
Im gona make Vallhalla smashed with Blood Gulch, seems like it could be a good combination and adding new stuff to intensify gameplay. Yeah im...
So the Revenant is a warthog variant??? Or are you saying there is Warthogs & the counterpart is the Revenant?
No your right, the Forerunner home world is deserted/dead planet with just there amazing buildings and Sentinels etc there to maintain the city. I...
Yeah but who says you can't have diff colored ghosts? I mean they have said you can multi color a mongoose, so why not the ghost its the covie...
Yeah if they do do it like that it'd be cool and crazy but it would be a little off the topic of halo. I really assume it'l have the...
Thats a toy of the halo wars chopper anyway. check it: Mega Bloks - Halo Wars - Covenant Brute Chopper #1 on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Beach/Tropical or Marshlands, so i can remake Backwash, or just put Blood Gulch in some swamps =)
No reach was totally glassed to a burning ball of fire, alot of speculation was its Onyx, but Onyx was made up of sentinels and broke apart around...
well this is halo 3 related lol so i thought it best to fit here. And i thought Bungie was gona take on re doing Marathon?? not 343 i beleive...
Yup thats right gameinformer due to last comic con got to talking with Frank O' Conner and he let slip a little on the Master Chiefs future With...
Strobe 0_o i have not been keeping ontop of this game thats awesome.
Yeah i think if anything they will allow Sprint and thats it. Invis and armor lock are a no go and def not a jet pack, it will most likely...
Id hope for invis etc cause think of how will MLG work? I mean will MLG use default sprint perk and nothing else? Thats what i want to know haha....
what im looking forward to is some crazy ass conquest maps and some really sweet styled regen slayer =). Speaking of which what all gametypes that...
so far no, all bungie has let us know off is forge world, but if they could make one map like that im sure they could come up with some other...
In the picture there seems to be Invis, oversheild and custom again, but who knows maybe they do different things. or it could be Invis is...