@Veiled Jester - Thanks for the feedback. Construct was definitely an inspiration for this map. And I'm glad you got what I was trying to do...
@portal of souls - I had the same concern about the sniper nook, and actually made an iteration with a third path to access that area, that...
I don't play a lot of invasion games, but I like the idea of having the killballs shut down as you progress through the game as a visual indicator...
This is a really nice remake in terms of aesthetics, but probably the 2 most critical jumps are super hard (bottom blue to top gold and center...
I love these aesthetics, with glass windows everywhere. One suggestion I have though, is to change the color of the objects around the map to...
Looks good (reminds me a little of Orbital, which isn't necessarily a good thing), I like simple clean layouts with open space. Too many forged...
Updated a few things based on comments: - Turned brace tunnels at top lift around to match aesthetics of others along top base sides. - Added...
[IMG] Epicurean is a symmetrical slayer map with red and blue sides. I wanted a spacious feeling that I don't usually get from forged maps, and...
This is a pretty good Guardian remake (the best I've seen, and I've tested at least 8 of them). First, the FX have got to go (I took them off and...
I ran through this map last night. Its nice. I've been wanting to make something similar (but even more minimalistic) in this part of Forge...
instead of a bridge, what if you added a small roofed section over the middle of the middle platform (where Rockets spawn) to add a little cover....
I just downloaded, and either your link isn't updated with the changes, or you didn't do enough with them, the bridge is still bad, same with the...
this ^
If I had to guess, most only walked through the map in forge and didn't even notice rockets were up there. I was playing 4 player FFA, and it was...
I gotta say, not impressed. Aesthetically, yes, its beautiful, but the gameplay doesn't match. Its cramped, the Rocket spawn is ridiculous, not...
This is a beautiful map, with really good gameplay. However, as stated by many people already, and acknowledging that its nothing you can change,...
Gunnergrunt does it again! Brilliant. I wish everyone who posted here understood map flow, weapon balance and placement, and line of sight like...
Jeebs is right, this is "Stack". Library included the "Basement" level. Other than that, great remake. Too bad there isn't a way to do the...
Oasis v2 http://www.forgehub.com/forum/competitive-maps/97080-oasis-v2.html Quarantine http://www.forgehub.com/forum/mlg-maps/96147-quarantine.html
This looks like a great map. I found one problem though, one of the junctures between the obelisks in those leaning double obelisk pillars on...