Haben Sie eigentlich sprechen Deutsch, oder hast du etwas zu übersetzen? Either way, great map, it's extremely accurate :D
Very angular, also built lower to the ground.
You need pictures or else your thread will be locked, look here.
I'm pretty sure "Creed" is the Halo gametype for Assassins creed, but I may be wrong. OT: I like the first two maps much more than Creed three,...
You can easily change it to be multiple points to score, I'd recommend around 25 points. Also, BT Snipes is a variation of Battletracks, which is...
I liked it, but I had a few quarrels with the map, I didn't like the tapered areas, I'd try to avoid tapering as much as possible when building a...
You just won the internet, I hope you don't mind, but I'm planning on reconstructing Paradiso and Pinnacle on this map. I'll be sure you receive...
Definitely doing that, I'll create the new gametype soon, now that there's Alpha zombie settings, I'll give 'em PP's again.
Oh yeah definitely, I completely forgot about this map, thanks for reminding me! I can return to the actual Smear the Qu- Pinkie gametype, rather...
Very very nice, map itself looks a bit generic, and I don't usually like maps that end with teleporters, but this actually has a portal-ish feel...
Eh, it's okay. I recommend that next time you try to stop using edit coordinates and rotation snap, unless of course you're building a city track,...
GAH! You beat me to it! Anyways, looks really original and fun :D
I reeeeeeally think that chess maps should have their own section so that they don't flood the mini game map section. It's relatively original,...
This is a cool map, and I really liked the aesthetics. The only part that I really didn't like about it was the little bump after the Helix, but I...
Haha, love the dragon. It's a really good track, the only part I didn't like was the sharp drop back to the beginning. And just out of curiosity,...
I liked it a lot, but when I used the BT Snipes gametype it got a LOT more fun, because the same person wasn't winning over and over because they...
Incredibly creative, dude. I went and did the extra toys glith and it didn't work, can you please explain how to do this? I want to make something...
Radical, you did a great job with this map. The platform is smooth and LOOKS cool as well, 'grats on getting to top downloads. You deserve it. I...
Thanks for all of the compliments, and only 1 or 2 of the people that tested with me had that problem, I'll look into it though. EDIT: I went...
Go ahead and lock the thread, my computer isn't giving me access to my service record on b.net, therefore, I can't fix the pictures. EDIT:...